Strategic Energy Technology Plan conference 2010
A Belgian EU Presidency conference

EU US expert Workshop on Electric Vehicles and Grid Connectivity - 17 November 2010
A transatlantic workshop, jointly organized by the Belgian presidency of the European Union, the European Commission, Swedish government and the United States Department of Energy, was held in Brussels in November 17 2010. The EU-US workshop, conducted under the auspices of the Smart Grid-EV Working Group of the EU-US Energy Council, brought together 50 experts equipment suppliers and manufacturers, utilities, policymakers, standards organizations, and government agencies to discuss mutually beneficial near-term actions to accelerate the introduction of EVs to the market – with a particular focus on government policy and cooperative efforts to spur vehicle demonstration and deployment.
Workshop program
Programme EU US Workshop (695.17 Kb)
Download of presentations
Session A: Vision and Policy to Support Electromobility (362.83 Kb)
Session B: Industrial Policy in Support of Electromobility (507.84 Kb)
European Industrial Policy Supporting Electromobility (231.69 Kb)
Integrated suppliers' approach to electromobility (8.99 MB)
EU Research Activities in support for Electric Vehicles (566.11 Kb)
The Role of Electromobility in Heavy Duty Vehicles (780.27 Kb)
Session C: Smart Charging & Vehicle-Grid Connectivity (364.95 Kb)
EVs, Smart Grids and Interoperability (506.55 Kb)
Opportunities for Cooperation on Technology Development to Support a Robust Vehicle-Grid Interface (2.91 MB)
Potential for Global Harmonization of EV Charging (1.47 MB)
Major utilities/grid operators perspective on integration of grids with Electric Vehicles (2 files)
ICT aspects on vehicle-grid connectivity (538.32 Kb)
InnoEnergy - an innovation driver for the Smart Grid (2.25 MB)
Session D: Effective Policies for Vehicle Demonstration & Deployment (363.56 Kb)
Green eMotion project (924 Kb)
US Vehicle/Infrastructure Learning Demonstration Program (1.45 MB)
German demonstrations project results (8.84 MB)
Demonstration activities in Belgium (2.27 MB)